The main objective of this survey was to estimate the cost of cultivation per hectare and value of output per hectare of important crops in Kerala

Scheme Established:1980-1981
Cost Of Cultivation

Cost of cultivation survey


The Main objective of Cost of cultivation survey is to gather information on cost of cultivation of major crops per hectare in Kerala and to determine the income generates from the cultivation of these crops per hectare by a farmer.


  • The Cost of cultivation survey has been conducted in 38 selected taluks across 14 districts of Kerala since 1980-81.
  • Information on cost of cultivation of selected crops such as paddy (3 seasons), coconut, arecanut, pepper, ginger, turmeric, bitter gourd(3 seasons), cowpea (3 seasons), pineapple, and cardamom (from Idukki, Palakkad, and Wayanad districts only) has been collected through this survey.
  • From 2020-21 onwards, 11 additional vegetable crops such as ash gourd, cucumber, snake gourd, ladies finger, cabbage, carrot, potato, beans, beetroot, garlic, tomato (3 seasons) were included in the survey.

Current Survey

  • From the agricultural year 2024-25 onwards, 34 crops are to be surveyed. Apart from this, 8 additional crops which are classified into 5 groups where each group surveyed quinquennially.
  • The 34 crops include paddy, coconut, arecanut, tapioca, banana, plantain, pepper, betel leaf, ginger, turmeric, pineapple, cardamom, cowpea, Ash gaurd, pumpkin, cucumber, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, snake guard, ladies finger, cabbage, carrot, potato, beans, beetroot, garlic, tomato, spinach, colocasia, ivy gourd, pulses, elephant yam, greater yam and brinjal. The 5-grouped crops include sugarcane, cotton, nutmeg, mangosteen, passion fruit, rambutan, and fodder grass.

Data Collection

  • Crops are selected for the survey based on their crop intensity in each taluk.
  • Farmers are chosen from those listed in EARAS forecast lists, farm price lists, Krishi bhavan, Padashekara samithi, local investigations, VFPCK, and marketing centers.
  • Data is collected from these selected farmers during the specified survey period for each crop annually (July - June).

Data Users

  • Various government departments and agencies use the data to determine supporting price, base price, and other related aspects. This includes the Department of Agriculture Development and Farmer’s Welfare, State Agricultural Prices Board, and Coconut Development Board etc.


  • Reports on Cost of cultivation survey from 1980-81 to 2021-22 are available on the official website.

View Count: 38441

Last Updated: 02, Sept 2024